Before deploying on a raid, you have the option of insuring the following inventory slots: earpiece, headwear, face cover, armband, body armor, eyewear, on sling, on back, holster, scabbard, and tactical rig. So what if you want to protect these things like you do the items in your safe container? Secure containers are a great way to make sure you keep your favorite non-combat items, but what about weapons, armor, vests, and the like? These pieces of gear need to be equipped on your character (read: outside the safe container) in order to be usable. In addition to these, future patches of the game will introduce new secure containers.

Oh wait, there is! Escape From Tarkov includes an “insurance” mechanic that can help to protect your property from permanent loss. If only there was a way to protect your inventory. Knowing this doesn’t make it any easier to accept that your gear is gone, though. This is the gameplay loop of Tarkov-raid, loot, escape. You see, when you die in a raid, the items you happen to be carrying are subject to looting by other players. Playing a game of Escape From Tarkovcan often feel like a roll of the dice, an exercise in pushing your luck that sometimes results in the loss of your precious equipment.